Bulletin // Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche, LIBERCONTENTSEditorialSeminar on International Inter-Library Loans in Western Europe, Florence, 26/27 June 1978ProgrammeParticipantsRecent developments in International InterlendingL'accès universel aux publications en FranceInter-Library Loan in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Responsability for International LoanPrestito internazionaleInternational Lending (English summary)Prêt Interbibliothècaire - StatistiquesInternational Interlending in the Nordic countriesBanbury Seminar Statement. The Library Association / SCONUL / The British Council Western European Seminar on Inter-Library Lending, Banbury, March 1973Recommendations. Seminar on International Interlending, Florence, June 1978Seminar of Map Librarians, Copenhagen, 28th April 1978The conservation of mapsMap microreproduction: goals and techniques. National and international prospectsCollaboration between Scandinavian librariesContributors to this issue
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