European research libraries cooperation : ERLC ; the LIBER quarterlyEuropean research libraries cooperation : ERLC ; the LIBER quarterly1Table of ContentsAuthor IndexThe Post-modern Library between Functionality and AestheticsTable of ContentsList of ArchitectsList of Library SitesColour Illustrations / Illustrations en Couleur / Farb-AbbildungenDie Entwicklung der ArchitekturL'évolution de l'architecture des bibliothèquesAfter AtkinsonBibliothèque de Droit, BerneL'Institut Pasteur, ParisCentre Georges Pompidou, ParisUniversité Libre, BruxellesNational Library of Estonia, TallinnDie Entwicklung in der Architektur von Bibliotheken während der letzten JahrzehnteL'évolution de l'architecture des bibliothèquesAfter AtkinsonLa bibliothèque de l'université de Paris-VIII-Saint-DenisConstruction de la bibliothèque de Droit de l'université de BerneQualité et maîtrise de l'éclairage artificiel dans les bâtiments publicsInstitut Pasteur: la bibliothèque du Centre d'Information ScientifiqueL'accessibilité des personnes handicapées à la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie et à la Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Paris)Disabled and the architectural design of public buildingsLe Centre Georges Pompidou et la Bibliothèque Publique d'Information (B.P.I.)University of Southampton: the Hartley LibraryThe Royal Library Copenhagen on the harbour frontUniversité Libre de Bruxelles: la nouvelle bibliothèque des Sciences HumainesThe new building of the National Library of EstoniaProblems of construction of university libraries in HungaryThe Warsaw University Library. Design for a new buildingEvaluation du séminaire - Assessment of seminarThe postmodern libraryEuropean research libraries cooperation : ERLC ; the LIBER quarterly2European National Libraries: a Review of the Year's ActivitiesInternational Copyright - New PerspectivesPosition on User Rights in Electronic PublicationsThe Role of Collection Development in Teaching LibraryEuropean research libraries cooperation : ERLC ; the LIBER quarterly3/4Teaching Libraries - Changing Libraries"Can the Research Library Teach?"The Influence of Teaching on Collection DevelopmentNew Methods of Student Text Provison: SCOPE and the eLib ProgrammeLa formation des personnels dans le cadre du développement des collectionsInteractive Teaching Methods in Relation to Electronic Information AccessTeaching Access in a University Library: Library Instruction in the Near FutureThe Critical ChoicePreservation EducationTeaching Preservation Management in Large Research LibrariesArchives and Libraries: What Can They Teach Each Other about Preservation Programmes and Practices?Preservation Education for Users and/or Non-Preservation StaffPreservation Policies in European Research LibrariesThe Teaching LibraryThe Role of the Librarian in the Teaching LibraryDeveloping an Integrated Digital University Library: The De Montfort/IBM Shared Research ProjectThe Teaching Library in a Country or Region without a UniversityLibraries in SwitzerlandLIBER Division ReportsVollers, Hinrich / Sauppe, Eberhard: Arbeitsplatzbewertung für den wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheksdienst (AWBD): Beiträge zur Beschreibung und Bewertung von Arbeitsplätzen nach Vergütungsgruppen IIa bis I des Bundes-Angestelltentarifvertrages (BAT)
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