The works of Tobias SmollettRoderick Random and the BumpkinsThe adventures of Roderick Random. Volume twoChapter XXXIX. My reception by that Lady - ...Chapter XL. My mistress is surprised at my learning. - ...Chapter XLI. Narcissa being in danger from the brutality of Sir Timothy, is rescued by me, who ...Chapter XLII. He takes his passage in a cutter for deal - ...Chapter XLIII. We lodge at a house near Amiens, where I am robbed by the Capuchin, who ...Chapter XLIV. In order to be revenged, I learn the science of defence - ...Chapter XLV. I inquire for my uncle, and understand he is gone to sea - ...Chapter XLVI. Wagtail introduces me to set of fine gentlemen, with whom I spend the evening at a tavern - ...Chapter XLVII. Strap communicates to me a conquest he had made of a Chandler's widow - ...Chapter XLVIII. We repair to the cofee-house, where we overhear a curious dispute between Wagtail and Medlar, ...Chapter XLIX. I receive a challenge - ...Chapter L. I long to be revenged on Melinda - ...Chapter LI. I cultivate an acquaintance with two noblemen - ...Chapter LII. I attempt to recover my watch and jewel, but to no purpose - ...Chapter LIII. I purchase new clothes - ...Chapter LIV. Day braking, I have the pleasure of viewing the person of Miss Snapper, whom I had not seen before - ...Chapter LV. I resolve to ingratiate myself with the mother, an am favoured by accident - ...Chapter LVI. I become acquainted with Narcissa's brother, who invites me to his house, where i am introduced to that adorable creature - ...Chapter LVII. Miss Williams informs me of Narcissa's approbation of my flame - ...Chapter LVIII. Tortured with jealousy, I go home and abuse Strap - ...Chapter LIX. I receive an extraordinary message at the door of the long room, which i however enter, and affront the squire, who ...Chapter LX. I am visited by Freeman, with whom I appear in public, and am caressed - ...Chapter LXI. I am arrested - ...Chapter LXII. I read Melopoyn's tragedy, and conceive a vast opinion of his genius - ...Chapter LXIII. The continuation and conclusion of Mr Melopoyn's storyChapter LXIV. I am seized a deep melancholy, and become a sloven - ...Chapter LXV. I set out for SussexChapter LXVI. I am invited to the villa of a Spanish Don, where we meet with an Englisch gentlemen, and make a very interesting discovery - ...Chapter LXVII. I visit my old friend Thomson - ...Chapter LXVIII. My father makes a present to Narcissa - ...CHapter LXIX. My father intends to revisit the place of his nativity - ...
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